session 6
- My computer in the school is phillips and the tower of the computer isLG.
- The operation sistem of thease computer is wuindows
- my computer use Google Chrome and olso Motzila FireFox
- My mouse have 2 buttons
- Yes, my computer have a unid from CD-ROM, a DVD unid and a USB unid.
- enter = entrar, espace bar = espai, shift= cambi, tab = tabulador, Delete = borrar , control = control, Escape = escape, hyphen or dash = -, perior or dot = ., comma= ,, colon = :, rigth parentesi = ), slash = /, at symbol = @
- A list of computer operation = menu, a box on the screen that shows information = window,
- a small picture or symbol = icon,
- text or other data stored together with a special name = file,
- software for creating text files = word processor
- press and release the button on the mouse = click,
- a little arrow on the screen that moves when you move the mouse = cursor,
- select text/images with the mouse = highlight
- Duplicate highlighted text /images to put somewhere else = copy,
- Preserve the contents of a documen=save,
- Cut text/images from one place and put them somewhere else =cut and paste
- open an existent document = open,
- create a new document = new,
- Send the contents of a document to the printer= print ,
- Close the document without quitting the word processor =close,
- Save the contents of a document under a new file name = save as
Good job!