miércoles, 13 de septiembre de 2017

session 6

  1. My computer in the school is phillips and the tower of the computer isLG.
  2. The operation sistem of thease computer is wuindows
  3. my computer use Google Chrome and olso Motzila FireFox
  4. My mouse have 2 buttons
  5. Yes, my computer have a unid from CD-ROM, a DVD unid and a USB unid.
  6. enter =  entrar, espace bar = espai, shift= cambi, tab = tabulador, Delete = borrar , control = control, Escape = escape, hyphen or dash = -, perior or dot = ., comma= ,, colon = :, rigth parentesi = ), slash = /, at symbol = @

  1. A list of computer operation = menu, a box on the screen that shows information = window, 
  2. a small picture or symbol = icon, 
  3. text or other data stored together with a special name = file, 
  4. software for creating text files = word processor
  5.  press and release the button on the mouse = click, 
  6. a little arrow on the screen that moves when you move the mouse = cursor, 
  7. select text/images with the mouse = highlight
  8. Duplicate highlighted text /images to put somewhere else = copy, 
  9. Preserve the contents of a documen=save, 
  10. Cut text/images from one place and put them somewhere else =cut and paste 
  11. open an existent document = open, 
  12. create a new document = new, 
  13. Send the contents of a document to the printer= print , 
  14. Close the document without quitting the word processor =close, 
  15. Save the contents of a document under a new file name = save as

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